Saturday, November 10, 2012

Band of the moment: Audioslave

Audioslave, banded in 2001, with a few members from Rage Against the Machine. Femes for their electrifying guitar solo every jiwang person knows from...

Like a Stone? More like, guitar solo Like a Boss!

I know it's a song from that's released in 2002 and became popular in 2003, but Like a Stone always reminds me of 2004. Form 2 classes at the end of the second floor (right next to the stairs), Friday afternoon walks on the school ground ('cos school starts at 2pm on Fridays), friends, more classes, a time when Hitz would play this song and discovering Jane Eyre (wait...that's Form 1!). I would eventually relate Mr. Rochester waiting for Jane with this song. Sungguh melankolik, broh. And super fitting!

Ugh, can this band get any better? No. They disbanded in 2007. *insert anti-joke chicken here*
I am the Highway, first heard it on BFM. Good lyrics, good tune and helps you get over that...erhhh...breakup?

Cochise. One word...NAISE.

Okay guys, recommend me some bands! I found out that the one music genre I can stand is rock!

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