Saturday, April 5, 2014

3 Tips for a Good Resume

I am not looking for a job, but these are evergreen tips for every fresh graduate looking to seek employment in any industry in Malaysia today. Read on to find out how to make your resume attractive!

(Blog post inspired by an article I read in The Star today. "What, people still read newspapers?!" Yes. Yes they do.)

1. It's one page long.

According to countless articles I've read, most recruiters spend 10 to 30 seconds glancing at a resume, before deciding whether or not to trash it. This is short. Like, super short. So keep your resume one page long (tops) if you have less than 10 years of working experience.

My personal tip to add on would be, please remove all irrelevant work experiences. If you are applying to be a doctor for instance, your 2 month stint as a cashier at the neighborhood cyber cafe might not be relevant for consideration.

2. It has a mission statement.

A lot of people do not have a personal mission statement because they either feel it's unnecessary ("Let the 4.0 speak for itself!") or embarrassing ("Aiyah talk about myself for what lah") but I think it wouldn't hurt to have this on the top of your resume. This one, I actually think HR people like to read just to gauge whether or not you are stable in mind and whether or not you have that freeloader mentality.

3. Use proper English.

Unless you are applying for a job in a Malay newspaper or a Chinese chain of banquet restaurants, use proper English.

A lot of the times you will think that having a good resume is not that big a deal, but it is a big of a deal. It's the first thing employers see (well, second, if you count the cover letter/email the first) when they see you, and it tells a lot about yourself. It wouldn't hurt to spend a few hours to refresh and come up with a nice-looking resume!

Thanks for reading! :)

BONUS! Because you read to the end of this, you get a FREEBIE! 
Email me or drop me an FB message if you want me to help proofread your resume.


  1. Yay i'd totally take the freebie! But i'm not applying for anything atm. hahahah
